Have you ever wondered how to integrate red into your wardrobe without it being “too much?” Red is one of the most intimidating colors, that’s nearly impossible for anyone to avoid, especially during the holidays. With that in mind, I’m breaking down some tips/tricks to make the hue work for everyone. Also, linking some of my favorite vibrant picks for the season and beyond. Lipstick, sweaters, pants, shoes, everything. Take a peek!
IF you’re new to red, or you don’t normally wear it, try a muted more rusty toned red to compliment your skin tone.
TRY wearing red lipstick with a red outfit for a fun statement, like in these photos. Russian Red by MAC and Missy & Fierce by Wet n Wild are my favorites. With my warmer skin tone, blue based reds sometimes clash, so I think
DON’T overload on the bright/true reds unless you’re super comfortable with it or it’s a special occasion. For example, wearing a vibrant red dress with red heels and red beaded earrings is a lot and doesn’t let each individual piece shine. Pick one or two to make the most of it.
AVOID wearing with patterns that clash like animal prints or houndstooth. Instead, match plaid or a simple stripe! Like I did in this photo 🙂
IF you’re ever struggling with what to wear with your red top, pants, or skirt? Pull out something black or white that won’t pull focus from the star of the show.
DON’T get caught up in matching reds to reds. In my outfit here, I matched my red sweater to the stripes in the skirt, but not exactly. Same with the lipstick. Keep it within the same family. Matching warmer tone reds with others is fine, but steer away from putting an orange red with a blue based red.
UNLESS you’re going to a Christmas party avoid pairing red with green. Sounds obvious, but I’ve been tempted before.
MOST importantly love what you wear period. Whether red or not.