Category Archives: Lifestyle

In & Out of “Office”

Come on into my office and let’s have a chat. I’ve spent a lot of time over the last few weeks working remote for the first time in my life, and it’s becoming more and more difficult to separate my work life and personal life. It could be because I’m reading client emails in the…

Superficiality in the Midst of International Crisis

There’s nothing that gets my dopamine levels up like a good online shopping spree or an influx of Instagram likes. The problem with superficiality amidst COVID-19, is assuming that we still care about things at the surface level of society. What do we do when we can’t fill these gaps with clout and shoes? For…

Post Grad

You graduated college… Now what? Jobs, moving, $$$, and changing relationships can be a lot to handle, especially when you’re trying to “find yourself” outside of your university comfort zone. I went through the exact same thing 3 years ago. Here’s 10 pivotal lessons I learned. You don’t have to know what you’re going to…

Spring Purge

Don’t let the title scare you. The only thing I’m purging this spring are ill fitting clothes and negativity. Over the past few months to a year, I’ve been holding onto things that aren’t serving me. Talking about it with friends and family, I finally realized that I was letting those negative feelings and experiences…

Beginners Guide to Cycling

Here’s your ultimate beginners guide to Soul Cycle, or cycling classes in general. When I first started my fitness journey I found high energy, packed workout classes like Soul intimidating as hell, but over time I’ve learned to love it. If you’re looking to build your endurance, kick start your weight loss, or just have…

My name is Emma